When you're the guild master, raid lead and main tank - it pays to have an alt that is care free. That is Zen. A mercinary damage dealer that can holy nova in the spotlight, or quickly disperse into the shadows. Who can macro, 'no, I'm not a healer' just because I don't feel like it today.
Being Zen has it's bennefits, and here's how we found life as a level 80 shadow priest.
08/03 - Ding! Level 80.
- First Emblem of Heroism from Heroic Nexus, and even the Needy achievement!
- First Emblem of Valor in Heroic Archavon
- Split Personality and Chaos Theory in Heroic Nexus were great fun!
- I found a fantastic PuG that swapped over a handful of toons throughout the single session run, and had a ball CoHing my way through the instance.
- My first raid with the guild and it's the big one. We had a couple of very capable tanks that really wanted to get in on the raid, so I jumped onto the spriest for pew pew. Fortunately whlie my DPS in the first two phases was 'acceptable' I managed to kick it up several notches on the drakes for the last phase to pwn the spellweaver. As the only DPS caster in the group, [Gown of the Spell-Weaver] was a fantastic reward.
21/03 - Heroic Halls of Stone, my last Heroic for the Champion of the Frozen Wastes title
09/04 - Heroic Naxxramas Down
- My second run with the guild of one of my favourite hunters. Due to the Razuvious MC mechanic, Shadow Priests are in demand not only for their pew pew (now with AoE) but their singular responsibility in this fight.
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