Hail to the Chef! Oh, so many days, weeks and months I toiled over a hot stove... well campfire. I took flint and tinder and stocked up on simple wood. I traded in my flint and tinder for a gnomish army knife, threw away the simple wood... and finally with so much cooking - could make campfires appear as by magic!
I started in Outlands performing my cooking daily with tenacious vigour. I kicked it up a notch in Northrend, over catering events (you really need all 12 chilled meats for this convention?) and adding string after string to my gormet bow. I had even stocked the guild bank with enough Captain Rumsey's Larger to get Nat Pagle hammered!
I even had secret agents (so secret I didn't even know about it) scouring Azeroth for the secret to making Savory Deviate Delight, even going so far as to plant spys working deep in industrial espionage through the Barrens and Horde commercial centres.
But it was to no avail. As accomplished a cook as Borgthor was... one final challenge awaited. I almost believed that the chocolate cake was a lie!
Then one day. Just and ordinary day. After creating a super strain of wine for a special wine and cheese platter - it hit me... Mageroyal is the secret. Finally the cake was not a lie.

I gathered my good friends Joss and Kal, so they could share in the moment, and I could bake for them... finally as a qualified Chef!

The chocolate cake recipe unlocked the last four of my cooking achievements in one discovery:
Having a look at the chat log from the screenshots, I reminded Kal that he'd be MCing on Razuvious that night... and he must have done a great job :D

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