We'd coped with the lava wave bug... as long as you catch a glimpse of it before firewall magically disappears, the gaps were in the same place as always. We'd even decided to forget about Vesperon, and zerg Sarth since the toons through the portal couldn't see the lava waves, but were getting hit. Sartharion was 'mostly dead' by that stage anyway.
Then Vesperon hit both tanks for around 30k a time (compared to Sarth's 7k on the MT)?!?!? I'd love to hear back from other people that have done this fight post 3.1 (yes, you're all probably off doing Ulduar) and see if the same thing is happening to them.
Although it's only going to link correctly for a couple of weeks... our WWS is here.
EDIT: Thanks so much to Allie, of WoWInsider who kindly replied to my query a great explanation for our problem. In order to prevent a full out zerg on Sartharion (you are supposed to kill the drakes you've left up) if you get Sartharion under 25% health with any drakes alive, they will gain berserk (as above) and wipe the raid.
With our great DPSers, and Vesperon coming into the fight a whole two minutes after engaging Sartharion, we would get Sartharion to 25% or under (especially when we popped heroism early) just as Vesperon was due to come out.
The solution is to take it easy on poor old Sarth during that first phase, getting down to 30% at most before Vesperon is out. Then just DPS down Vesperon, ignoring the portal (while our healers just heal through the extra damage) and finally return our attention to Sarth.
Since we were travelling so easily, it would be great to get the gang back together for another shot next week. Sarth+1D 10 Man is one of those things I wanted to get done before the patch, and at least before we're all decked out in drops from Ulduar.
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