Although I felt compelled to redo some content to get credit for my achievements, I've really enjoyed them overall. Zenborg has falled to one side before Wrath, since there was sooo much to do with Borg.
Borgthor did end up enjoying Hallow's End, getting the title "The Hallowed". The instant cast broomstick was great too!

With the nerf bat, comes new Achievements. Warrior AOE tanking improvements meant the lack of a pally tank wasn't a barrier. The nerf to boss health, and supendous improvements to DPS meant it was a white wash. We breezed through ZA post patch, taking 3 timed chests with us. It was nice to complete ZA, to round out our raiding achievements before WotLK.

I've really enjoyed the fishing achievements, and fishing in general. It was much quicker to get the fishing dailies done than the cooking... but more on that later. It was just after handing this in, that I got invited in on my spriest to a Zul'jin only ZA run to finish off ZA for him too... great timing.

I had a great time finishing off some pre-BC content with Obento, who had some renewed enthusiasm for his rogue. While I think of it, the Jenkins title was a hoot too.

We did go back and finish of Zul'Gurub, but Jondy and I have been 2 or 3 manning ZG for a chance at the turtle. No luck yet, but another great fishing Achievement.

The scourge invasion was a lot of fun, and as well as another feat of strength, helped with my Argent Dawn rep (already at revered from chasting that supply bag in my 50s).

I hadn't had a reason to travel to Ogrimmar, untill this fishing achievement. I took out about three guards, invisibility pot past four and I was there! I didn't last too long, but it was totally worth it.

One of my favourites! SSC, the shat'ari skyguard cape and a water walking pot to solo this one. I think I'll post the screenshot of Borg vs. Lurker in another post!

Gah! The achievement that had the most rework required (and we'd run out of uses for badges). Thankfully, due to the Champion of Naaru title, a few were already ticked off.

The only zones I had completed before the patch was Hellfire Peninsula and SMV, but I wasn't far off the others. Was great fun revisiting the other zones for a handful of quests.

I had a real affinity for The Argent Dawn while I was leveling Borg, and I'm really happy that the storyline of the expansion keeps them involved. Now onwards and upwards to assist the Argent Crusade!

Yes, Borg's sack is gigantique! With Zen not raiding, and Borg being on "farm only" for months, the cash was rollin' in. 22 slots is gold, and will stack up well even in WotlK.

I love bombing quests! After getting Bombs Away on the first after the patch, this rounded out all the quest achievements for Outland.

Tabards! Make sure you go to the Tabard vendor! I was planning a trip around all the exalted factions to pick mine up, until I wowheaded this achievement (yes, if google can be a verb, then wowhead should be too). They had my quest based tabards that I had "lost", as well as all the other ones. Just make sure that you bring to correct currency for Ogri'la and Sporegar.
Phew, that was a quick run down on some of the achievement I'd grabbed a screenshot for. I might have a look at them all and have a round two before I start in on WotLK ones.
However, I'm more insterested in hearing from YOU! If there are any achievements that have made you think, "wow, Borg is awesome" that I've missed let me know in the comments. If you have an achievement that you you particularly like, or are proud of, let me know!
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