By way of quick introduction, I'm Borgthor [or Borg] - a protection spec'd human warrior [TANK] on Dath'Remar. Lots of this blog will aimed at toons that know me in game - on online scrap book of our adventures in Azeroth... and beyond. The rest will be highly topical, articulate commentary on the World of Warcraft for everyone to enjoy. There'll be something for everyone... but not every post will be everything to everyone. Enough intro...
In homage to the man that got me started on World of Warcraft, and a welcome back to the guild, here's a shot of Barrath's new epic shoulders looted from Romulo in Karazhan.
Beastmaw Pauldrons were a pleasure to master loot and hand over to the only hunter in the raid [sorry Lis], and a tidy piece of kit for our BM hunter who only recently stepped into Kara, but always rates high on our dps list.
Barrath is a highly qualified engineer, who is always ready to go with a repair bot. I have a Gyro-balanced Khorium Destroyer on backorder with him, so as soon as he gets a primal nether, or patch 2.4 lets me hand one over... it'll be ready. I've been holding the mats in my bags [not bank, bags] for a long time now, and like they say, it's the only gun you'll ever need... but if it'd ain't made by Barrath, it ain't worth a damn.
Over the course of my blogging, I'll introduce you to the rest of the gang, including my wife, Barrath's wife, my nephews and other guildies as they wish to become known. I'll talk about tanking a little bit [but there are many other great resources for that [which I'll link]], I probably won't resist crunching some numbers, including one of my favourite topics, the World of Warcraft economy and the auction house. As a reminder of where I'm at, and where I've been, I'll add my pertinent tank stats as the signature for each post... Hopefully I'll crack 14k health soon.
13314 Health 13768 Armor 15.3% Dodge 16.8% Parry 20.73% Block 501 Defense
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