Monday, February 14, 2011

Working as a Team

<Fidelity> recently completed Working as a Team, with inscription being last cab off the rank. I leveled Zenborg's enchanting to 525 reasonably quickly, and then realised that I didn't have the reputation required to contribute to the achievement. Shortly after that followed at least a week of ranting to my guild mates, real ID friends and IRL loved ones about how, "GAH! I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO QUEST ON MY ALTS". So after drowning my sorrows at the conveniently located Dwarven pub (so close to the auction house!), I got Zenborg into the Deepholm series of quests, Therazane dailies and finally just blowing through Mt. Hyjal for kicks (and the head glyph). After all that, I'd bagged us a tick for Enchanting (Blacksmithing and Mining were no-brainers) and manged to secure the shoulder and helm enhancements while I was at it.

I like the design of the [Banner of Cooperation], and how different it is to the battle standard for completing the Heroic dungeons as a guild. I'm wondering when Bliz will add a carpenter profession.

While the guild roster has been in a state of flux, we've got some momentum going for raiding and are at 5/12 and having a blast. As always for guild news, check out the blog.

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