Monday, August 31, 2009

Best in Slot Unhittable (Warrior)

It's been a while... a long while. I have been very busy in game, working on beefing up the guild for both 10 and 25 man progression. We have had a fantastic influx of new members, and balancing the raid schedule for a casual guild that wants it all has been a terrific mind puzzle.

In any case, we're 12/14 Ulduar 10, 6/14 Ulduar 25 and 4/4 TotC 10 (with the final boss still to come). Now that we're caught up (not really, but I'm sure there'll be more of that to come) onto the inspiration for this post.

Wowhead. Is there nothing they can't do?

The wowhead profiler should have itself warranted a post, just to promote their aesthetic which blows all other armory tools away... but at least it got a plug on the guild website.

Unhittable. It's a fairly useless concept to a protection warrior, but a fun one none the less. The idea is that any time you are attacked with melee, at worst the mob is going to attempt to break through your shield to get at you.... Block, Dodge, Parry, Miss. That's it. I've been having a look at BiS unhittable lists over at, but what if you want to put a set together that's the best of the stuff from your bag and bank? (Prot warriors don't vendor gear, they just sublet yet another commercial shipping container)

Wowhead's "create a weight scale" tool to the rescue. Plug in weighted values for block, parry, dodge and defense for mitigation (not avoidance) and bam:

Ranked list of best unhittable pieces for a Protection Warrior

It doesn't take diminishing returns into account, particularly regarding the benefits of dodge vs. parry... but it gives you a fantastic guide to where the best pieces are!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:54

    Heya Borg

    Good to see and update. :)

    I'm no language person at all but in the bit about the wowhead profiler I think you have an extra "it" in there. ;)
