No, I haven't (yet) had a psychotic break, but I thought I'd let some of my toons speak for themselves, since they have various different interests, and it's a nice way to organise the posts for the blog.
More on the coin front later, but first up... Mounts! I was lucky enough to have the [Reins of the Vitreous Stone Drake] drop in normal Stonecore the other day and snap it up.

Twilight Highlands was the ideal place to get a great picture of where you 'dangle' as opposed to 'riding' the mount. I decided to open up the Twilight Highlands portal, since my favourite place to farm leather is from the Untamed Gryphon, who also drop [Delicate Wing], a key ingredient for [Broiled Dragon Feast]. The graphic alone is a great reason to make this feast for your friends.
It was very satisfying to win the mount shortly after upgrading to Master Riding on my first toon to pay for the privilege, and I'm looking forward to collecting many more of the new mounts on other toons.
Congratz on the new mount! It looks awesome! I had no idea about the dangling thing! this one is definitely going on my list now!