Tonight, we finally got Glory of the Ulduar Raider, by completing Yogg+1 or One Light in the Darkness. It took many, many attempts to put a solid group together (more on that later) but tonight we got it done!

The Rusted Proto-Drake is a fantastic mount, meaning I can put away my pink (yes, I can call it pink now) Violet Proto-Drake forever. Jondy is also very pleased with the increased speed for her flight form, and Moordenar's new recruit a friend mount, the X-53 Touring Rocket goes really fast now too.

A huge thank you to all the guildies that have helped with all the achievements, starting all the way back in September last year (so there are lots of you!). Of course while we completed the bulk of them in the first two months, it was both challenging and rewarding to find the toons excited to finished them off even after getting stuck into ICC.
A particular thanks to both Jondayla and Moordenar for being there every step of the way. Your mounts are well deserved. I'd also like to thank you for your perseverance and patience in dealing with groups that we all knew were not quite fit for the task at hand, and not doubting too much when I thought my shear enthusiasm and meticulous fight mechanic tutorials could magically teach people how to not clip clouds.
For tonight's effort we ran 1 tank (me, Prot Warrior), 3 heals (druidx2, holy pally), 4 melee (DKx2, rogue, warrior) and 2 ranged (spriest, hunter). You know it's going to be a fun night when in the first few attempts you don't wipe it up in the clouds. Our brain room team of druid, DKx2 and rogue were firing and on the successful attempt were close to pushing phase 3 in one trip into the brain. Our first epic attempt in phase 3 was looong, with people getting picked off and going insane. Thorim was a blessing, as popping off those guardians is fantastic when you have the luxury of entering phase three with over 6 minutes on the enrage timer. Overall it was one of those progression nights I enjoyed as toons executed better and better throughout the night and we scored a kill.
Thanks to Coalesce and friend Arionathe for helping out. I've known Coalesce since BC, and he was there for our first Malygos 25 guild kill and plenty in between.
A quick note to all the guys from the run tonight, and guildies that have missed out on some of the achievements along the way... we'll be doing it all again. Depending on group make up, Borg and Jondy will be tanking and healing through the lot (most of which can be done very quickly) so look for those runs and sign up!
We celebrated with some Champagne, and then a romp through Trial of the Grand Crusader and got that long overdue Tribute to Skill achievement.

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