So after another dismal attempt to convince people to come along to 10 man Yogg+1, we settled on the weekly raid, Eye of Eternity.
Since I hadn't got the 8 man achievement, I thought it might be nice to grab that while we were at it. (Spoiler Alert: my secret gnome warlock got this same achievement the day he hit 80 as part of Champ in a Day(tm)).
Pugging was absolutely excruciating. The number of inexperienced toons, the lack of any useful information provided voluntarily to help find a match (my eyes were almost bleeding after looking at so many missing gems and enchants in the armory). In the end I mistook arrogance for competence and took a Ret Pally / Hunter pair that could have been easily replaced by one decent player for a 7 man attempt.
In any case, we managed to have a pick of 3 main spec tanks for our 1 tank spot, so I got to DPS. I bet you can guess what achievement came next!

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