After getting through Curator on Thursday night, we started again at Shade. Our quickest clear to shade yet, and a scrambling fight - but we got him down first shot. We didn't even bug him, which is a first for us. Obe tells that 3 or 4 people died to arcane explosion towards the end of the fight, but full points to Lashana who seemed to stay out of trouble and had a full health bar when he finally crumbled.
We got throught to Prince with plenty of time to wreak some havoc. We'd all seen the fight before, so tonight was looking good. First attempt saw some interesting infernal placements, and we wiped. The second attempt. Well this is the second time it's happened to us. Not wanting to name names... but we had a toon stuck out side entrace to Prince.
Third attempt was gold. Good infernal placement, no one dying to enfeeble. A Tank that's buffed to 20k health. I had to move him during the 3rd phase due to infernals but the DPS and healers we well positioned and we got him down.
Check out the family photo - we're all very excited. Some so much, they've moved on down to nightbane already.
To top the night off, I got some awesome loot from Prince, and have finally decked myself out in FULL EPIC gear.
[Gorehowl] was a bit of a bonus, since there was no one else to take it. I really have to respec to arms for just a little bit to test it out properly.
[Helm of the Fallen Defender] lead to [Warbringer Greathelm]!!! With an [Eternal Earthstorm Diamond] in there, shield slaming has never been so much fun. It made [Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600] a MUST BUY.
Finally, to top it all off, my last trinket slot requiring an epic was filled with [Violet Badge] from the Prince quest. Sure it's not as good as [Commander's Badge] but the arcane resistance does come in handy, and you can never have too many trinkets [I've got 5 in my bags and 3 in the bank]. Anyway, I have a feeling I'll have [Commendation of Kael'thas] soon.
A huge thanks to all my guildies who have made this milestone possible. On the day we had Mort, Moon, Elf, Obe, Jondy, Lash, Barrath, Moppet and guest pally healer Val.
It's dangerous to expand on the thank yous, since I know I'll miss some people out... but here goes.
Firstly my wfie Jondy. Uber heals, tireless support and for not switching off every time I talk about the NUMBERS.
To Lash and Barr! It's all your fault I play this game. That I'm in this guild. You've both made playing this game FUN.
Fel and Lis, who kept The Ancients up and running and had the necessary experience to get us started in Kara.
Elf and Obe, for topping the DPS every week. You guys have made it look so easy for new dpsers coming in. You've both made it possible to bring in new toons, 2 heal and still get through the content.
Obe for being a great organiser, supporter and taking the helm while I'm away.
Moonspirit for her rock solid main heals, while shackling, while keeping Elf in line! Her disenchanting, and enchanting. Dispelling while healing. Excelling with a multitude of duties whlist being a Zen influence on the raid.
Mort. For tirelessly adopting the mantra: "what's best for the raid". More respecs than I can count. Bringing in the lock for Prince and forgoing a shot at l33t loot. For sharing the path of the Warrior.
Zev.... and Beanie. Who knew a retadin could get geared for Kara so quickly?
Power and Zand! My nephews. With at least spec or class in common with both you guys, it's fun to bring hurt to Kara with family!
And a big thanks to you for been an awesome leader.If it weren't for you we probably wouldn't know what kara looked like! it's been good fun raiding with ya :D