So, it's been a while since I posted....having been completely distracted with 3.3 and RL work ramping up... so here it goes with another proverbial catch up post.
Before patch 3.3, we managed to complete all but one of my goals for the guild's progression.
- 19/11/2009 - 5/5 TotC 25 man
- 22/11/2009 - 4/5 TotGC 10 man
- 30/11/2009 - Ulduar 10 hard modes / drake achievements up to and including Hodir
- 07/12/2009 - Ulduar 10 Thorim hard mode
Zenborg kept his streak alive and managed to clear TotC25 before Borgthor, and was suitably rewarded by getting Moonspirit to craft [Merlin's Robes] for him.
Borgthor managed to sneak into a Sarth+3D 25 man zerg, and walk away with the drake!
Borgelmir came out of retirement, and started pwning some content as unholy. The changes in 3.3 have made it the 'in' spec, but I really enjoyed 3.2 unholy and had a lot of fun spreading my diseases. It was also fantastic to win [Justice Bringer] and then turn down offers of unspeakable mountains of coin to trade it.
Zenborg got into GDKP and had a very nice run through 25 man TotC and came out with an extra 3600g, but that experience deserves it's own post, so keep a look out for that.
Onyxia's Lair came along, which wasn't too exciting but both Zen and Borg enjoy their 25 man helms. The warrior DPS helm is very nicely itemised, and was a great pickup while tanking.
I refined my guild bank purchasing system, devoting my level 20-odd mage to herb and flask storage. We ended the year with a stock of almost 1000 flasks which we sell to guildies at about 60% of market value.
The guild had a couple of weeks off progression raiding over Christmas, and now back in the new year, we're 5/12 in ICC 10 and 3/12 in ICC 25.